HTTP Server Framework
A small and fast to compile framework that can interact with many built-in features.
- Databases
- Middlewares
- Streaming
- URI router
- WebSocket
If dynamic or nested routes are needed, then please activate the matchit
feature. Without it, only simple and flat routes will work.
To use this functionality, it is necessary to activate the http-server-framework
//! An HTTP server framework showcasing nested routes, middlewares, manual streams, dynamic routes, //! PostgreSQL connections and JSON deserialization/serialization. //! //! Currently, only HTTP/2 is supported. //! //! This snippet requires ~50 dependencies and has an optimized binary size of ~900K. extern crate serde; extern crate tokio; extern crate wtx; extern crate wtx_instances; use core::{fmt::Write, ops::ControlFlow}; use tokio::net::{tcp::OwnedWriteHalf, TcpStream}; use wtx::{ database::{Executor, Record}, http::{ server_framework::{ get, post, Middleware, PathOwned, Router, SerdeJson, ServerFrameworkBuilder, StateClean, }, ManualStream, ReqResBuffer, Request, Response, StatusCode, }, http2::{Http2Buffer, Http2DataTokio, Http2ErrorCode, ServerStream}, misc::{simple_seed, Xorshift64}, pool::{PostgresRM, SimplePoolTokio}, }; type Pool = SimplePoolTokio<PostgresRM<wtx::Error, TcpStream>>; #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> wtx::Result<()> { let router = Router::paths(wtx::paths!( ("/db/{id}", get(db)), ("/json", post(json)), ( "/say", Router::new(wtx::paths!(("/hello", get(hello)), ("/world", get(world))), CustomMiddleware,)?, ), ("/stream", get(stream)), ))?; let rm = PostgresRM::tokio("postgres://USER:PASSWORD@localhost/DB_NAME".into()); let pool = Pool::new(4, rm); ServerFrameworkBuilder::new(router) .with_req_aux(move || pool.clone()) .tokio( &wtx_instances::host_from_args(), Xorshift64::from(simple_seed()), |error| eprintln!("{error:?}"), |_| Ok(()), ) .await } #[derive(serde::Deserialize)] struct DeserializeExample { _foo: i32, _bar: u64, } #[derive(serde::Serialize)] struct SerializeExample { _baz: [u8; 4], } async fn db( state: StateClean<'_, (), Pool, ReqResBuffer>, PathOwned(id): PathOwned<u32>, ) -> wtx::Result<StatusCode> { let mut lock = state.stream_aux.get().await?; let record = lock.fetch_with_stmt("SELECT name FROM persons WHERE id = $1", (id,)).await?; let name = record.decode::<_, &str>(0)?; state.req.rrd.body.write_fmt(format_args!("Person of id `1` has name `{name}`"))?; Ok(StatusCode::Ok) } async fn hello() -> &'static str { "hello" } async fn json(_: SerdeJson<DeserializeExample>) -> wtx::Result<SerdeJson<SerializeExample>> { Ok(SerdeJson(SerializeExample { _baz: [1, 2, 3, 4] })) } async fn stream( mut manual_stream: ManualStream< (), ServerStream<Http2DataTokio<Http2Buffer, OwnedWriteHalf, false>>, Pool, >, ) -> wtx::Result<()> {; Ok(()) } async fn world() -> &'static str { "world" } struct CustomMiddleware; impl Middleware<(), wtx::Error, Pool> for CustomMiddleware { type Aux = (); #[inline] fn aux(&self) -> Self::Aux { () } async fn req( &self, _: &mut (), _: &mut Self::Aux, _: &mut Request<ReqResBuffer>, _: &mut Pool, ) -> wtx::Result<ControlFlow<StatusCode, ()>> { println!("Inspecting request"); Ok(ControlFlow::Continue(())) } async fn res( &self, _: &mut (), _: &mut Self::Aux, _: Response<&mut ReqResBuffer>, _: &mut Pool, ) -> wtx::Result<ControlFlow<StatusCode, ()>> { println!("Inspecting response"); Ok(ControlFlow::Continue(())) } }