WebSocket over HTTP/2
At the current time only servers support the handshake procedure defined in RFC8441.
While HTTP/2 inherently supports full-duplex communication, web browsers typically don't expose this functionality directly to developers and that is why WebSocket tunneling over HTTP/2 is important.
- Servers can efficiently handle multiple concurrent streams within a single TCP connection
- Client applications can continue using existing WebSocket APIs without modification
For this particular scenario the no-masking
parameter defined in https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-damjanovic-websockets-nomasking-02 is also supported.
To use this functionality, it is necessary to activate the http2
and web-socket
//! Low level HTTP/2 server that only accepts one WebSocket stream for demonstration purposes. //! //! It is worth noting that the optioned server in the `http2-server` example automatically //! handles WebSocket connections. extern crate tokio; extern crate wtx; extern crate wtx_instances; use core::mem; use tokio::net::TcpListener; use wtx::{ http::{Headers, ReqResBuffer, is_web_socket_handshake}, http2::{Http2Buffer, Http2Params, Http2Tokio, WebSocketOverStream}, misc::{Either, TokioRustlsAcceptor, Vector, Xorshift64, simple_seed}, web_socket::{Frame, OpCode}, }; #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> wtx::Result<()> { let listener = TcpListener::bind(&wtx_instances::host_from_args()).await?; let mut rng = Xorshift64::from(simple_seed()); let (tcp_stream, _) = listener.accept().await?; let acceptor = TokioRustlsAcceptor::without_client_auth() .http2() .build_with_cert_chain_and_priv_key(wtx_instances::CERT, wtx_instances::KEY)?; let (frame_reader, mut http2) = Http2Tokio::accept( Http2Buffer::new(&mut rng), Http2Params::default() .set_enable_connect_protocol(true) .set_max_hpack_len((128 * 1024, 128 * 1024)), tokio::io::split(acceptor.accept(tcp_stream).await?), ) .await?; tokio::spawn(frame_reader); let (mut stream, headers_opt) = match http2 .stream(ReqResBuffer::empty(), |req, protocol| { let rslt = is_web_socket_handshake(&req.rrd.headers, req.method, protocol); rslt.then(|| mem::take(&mut req.rrd.headers)) }) .await? { Either::Left(_) => return Ok(()), Either::Right(elem) => elem, }; let Some(_headers) = headers_opt else { return Ok(()); }; let mut buffer = Vector::new(); let mut wos = WebSocketOverStream::new(&Headers::new(), false, rng, &mut stream).await?; loop { let mut frame = wos.read_frame(&mut buffer).await?; match (frame.op_code(), frame.text_payload()) { (_, Some(elem)) => println!("{elem}"), (OpCode::Close, _) => break, _ => {} } wos.write_frame(&mut Frame::new_fin(OpCode::Text, frame.payload_mut())).await?; } wos.close().await?; stream.common().clear(false).await?; Ok(()) }